October Dreams

I created this card using Distress Inks, Alcohol Inks, and Lavinia stamps.

I’ve entered this card in the October Lavinia Stamps Challenge. The Python Random Generator chooses the winner. Hopefully, one of these days, it will pick me.

The end result of the alcohol inks was a happy mistake…

I put drops of alcohol inks on Yupo paper and used my Giottos Rocket Air Blaster to guide the direction of the inks. I filled the sheet with these drops, and then looked to see if any images caught my eye. What came to mind were rocks on the bottom of the ocean.  (I swear the wood designs, in one of my house doors, looks like a dragon.)  

Here’s the happy mistake part…to preserve the alcohol inks, I sprayed Krylon Matte Finish over them. I either sprayed too much, or sprayed it too close (because it’s worked before). I thought, ‘Oh nooooooo. I’ve ruined it, and it took so much time to make.’ I looked at it again. The spray had made it appear that there was moss on the rocks and the mushroom. Well, ok.

Materials Used:

  • Strathmore Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 140 lb.
  • Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink Yupo Paper, Translucent
  • Turquoise Sparkle Paper Cardstock Base
  • Ranger Alcohol Inks: Turquoise, Limeade, and Valencia
  • Ranger TH Distress Inks: Tumbled Glass, Mermaid Lagoon, and Salty Ocean
  • Lavinia Stamps: Guinevere, Willow Leaf (seaweed), and Deeper than the ocean (sentiment) (Tracey Lavinia Dutton is the artist of the Lavinia stamps.)
  • Giottos AA1900 Rocket Air Blaster, LARGE
  • TH Tonic Stamp Platform
  • Two Ranger non-stick Craft Sheets (I use one for distress inks and an older one for alcohol inks.)
  • Memento Ink, Tuxedo Black
  • Ranger TH Mini Ink Blending Tool/Foam
  • Ranger Mister
  • Wink of Stella
  • TH Mini Scissor
  • Fiskars Procision Rotary Bypass Trimmer (12”)
  • Martha Stewart Scoring Pad/Fiskars Dual-Tip Embossing Stylus
  • Scor-Tape: 1/4″and 3/8”
  • Krylon Matte Finish
  • Ranger Craft Scrubbie
  • Rubber Gloves, Baby Wipes, and Paper Towels

Have a magical day!!!
